
Ocean Soul Bali, Swim and Beachwear

With summer on the way we’re checking out Ocean Soul Bali and their stylish swimwear and new beachside Sunseeker Resort Collection.

Mavi The Surfing Cat

Mavi The Surfing Cat

Mavi begs his dad to let him come surfing… and he’s pretty good at it, not bad on a snowboard either.

Rip Curl Joins B Corp Movement

Rip Curl Joins B Corp Movement

Rip Curl join a global community of businesses who are driving accountability for their impact on people, planet, and community.

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  • Surfing is for Everyone
    Surfing is for all, here's some organisations offering inclusive surfing programmes.
  • Strong Upper Body for Surf Workout
    Power up your paddling power with this quick upper body routine, focusing on arms, shoulders, and back. Get ready to catch those waves with ease!
  • 16th Jesus Longboard Classic
    Here's a roundup as to what went down at the Jesus Longboard Classic event.
  • It’s Here: 14 Day Countdown to Surfing
    Your surf fitness bootcamp, 14 days to get you ready for the waves. Perfect for if you’re heading on a trip or just want to super charge your surf fitness and get back on track with a focused two week programme designed to build your progression and overall surf fitness.