SurfGirl Video

Caity Simmers is the Next Big Thing

With incredible talent, Caity is the real deal, watch this insightful documentary.

Nazare Girl Power – Meet the Crew

There’s a talented crew of women chasing Nazare’s giant peak. Meet Katie McConnell, Michaela Fregonese and Polly Ralda.

Positive Change for the Planet

Here’s a selection of films to inspire you to make for positive change for the planet. Together we make a difference.

Beyond Sunset – Emi Erickson

Beyond Sunset – Emi Erickson

Emi Erickson charges 15 to 20-foot faces, and gets rag-dolled at Jaws. Watch Emi’s fascinating story about how surfing helped her to heal and how she learnt to ride massive waves and thrive. 

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