Ainara is a PHD student based in the Basque Country and hasn’t let higher education come in between her and her love of the ocean (or vice versa).

On first meeting Ainara comes across as a quiet girl. She can either be found with her nose in a big, thick book, walking her two German Shepherds in the Basque Country or out in the water. She started surfing at an early age and competed for a short while as a kid, but stopped when she realized she wasn’t competitive enough to thrive in heats. She switched lanes to free surfing and hasn’t looked back since. When she’s not studying for her PhD or at home in Basque, she’s traveling the world with her Pukas quiver looking for the best waves, shocking the surf community as she goes. While she may be quiet and reserved on land, she’s loud as hell in the water.
This video is a celebration of discipline, intelligence and application, meet Ainara.