Words by Corinne Evans

Surfing and summer go hand in hand but if you’re still feeling a little rusty, these tips will help you get your surfing back on track and could get you progressing out the back and surfing those green waves!


Photo Lizzie Churchill

• Don’t waste the flat days

Summer is lovely but sometimes we get the odd flat spell, which can really hinder your surf progression. Next time we get a flat spell head down to your local pool and do some lengths. This will help your paddle power and is great cardio without adding strain on the body.

Swimming is also a perfect activity for those of you who don’t get as much water time as you like. Swim in between your surfs to keep your arms strong and your lung capacity up. Plan your swim program before you get to the pool so you know exactly what you want to do. This will save you time and maximize your time in the pool. Start with 400 meters at a nice steady pace just to warm your body up. Take a short rest and then go into some sprints; this is a great way to build up your paddle power. Try 8 x 25m as quick as you can with a 20-30 second break in between, just like your paddling for a wave.

#ROXYfitness Running Program

Photo courtesy ROXYFitness

• Stretch it out

Us surfers need to look after our muscles and taking care of them after long surfs can reduce the risk of injury. Invest in a foam roller and give your back a nice roll out when you get home for a long day in the surf. Foam rollers are also really good for people who spend a lot of time in at a desk.

• Tweak your burpies

Yes I said the “B” word. I know they may feel horrible at the time but they are really great for your body. A great way to make them a little more surf specific is to turn it into your burpie into a pop up. Include these into your workout routine at home or in the gym and get that pop up perfect.

• Say yes to yoga

You may be bored of hearing about how Yoga can help surfing but it really can. Keeping flexible and strong is key to staying surf fit and Yoga does both of these. It can help you in so many ways and even minimise your risk of injury especially when your water time is pretty few and far between.


Bruna Schmidt see her yoga blog here Photo courtesy ROXYFitness

For more tips on surf fitness get The Surf Girl Guide To Surf Fitness


