O’Neill wetsuits

Flexi Time
SurfGirl Summer Wetsuit Guide 2024

It’s time to rejoice once again as summer wetsuits make their return after a long winter! Here’s our Summer Wetsuit Guide, to tantalise your senses with sleeker, more flexible options for summer.
Surf brands continue to push the boundaries of wetsuit design, enhancing them annually with super-stretch materials, sturdier seams, and a growing array of eco-friendly choices. Plus, the wetsuit brands continue to produce more female-friendly wetsuits with a greater range to fit all sizes, which is a welcome progression in female-focussed equipment. Our guide showcases industry frontrunners, cutting-edge technology, and suits designed to accommodate all body types. Whether you seek a high-performance, top-tier wetsuit, or something for casual surfing and beach outings, there’s an option for every budget. With this in mind, check out our Summer Wetsuit Guide for the season ahead.

C-skins wetsuits

Wetsuit Buying Tips

Alder wetsuits