How Surfing Saved Me
“When my husband left me with a toddler and a baby, I stood on the shoreline with my surfboard, and decided that this was how I was going to get through the difficult times.”
Boardmasters – Skate Ramp Returns
Boardmasters is proud to announce an exciting expansion of its programming at Fistral Beach, including the return of skateboarding as part of this year’s festival
The Magic of Winter Surfing
Surfing isn’t all about the summer, there’s magic in surfing during the winter months too despite the cold. Read this short story by Hannah Bevan.
Justine Wins Nazaré Big Wave Challenge
Justine Dupont, wins big at the Nazaré Big Wave Challenge in Portugal with amazing performances also by Michelle Bouillons and Laura Crane.
Fermented Veggies Recipe
Fermented vegetables are a functional food that really supports your wellbeing, they’re highly nutritious and offer several health benefits due to their unique fermentation process.
Should Beginners Be Pushed into Waves?
What’s the benefits of pushing learners into waves? Should they learn the hard way and leave more waves for the rest of us?
Simmers Victory in Abu Dhabi
Caity Simmers is back to World No. 1 with a victory in Abu Dhabi.
Adrenaline Movie Night
Surfers pushing their limits in barrels and challenging slabs requires courage. Watch these films of female surfers pushing boundaries.
Fired Up Workout Programme
Another high energy workout to get you hot, sweaty and fired up when the days are cold. There’s no time wasting with this workout, so be prepared to sweat!
Ding Ding: How to Fix Your Travel Dings
How to patch up dings in your surfboard, so you can paddle back out.