Pro Surf Tips with Lucy and Tassy
Improve your surfing with Boardmasters Ambassadors Lucy and Tassy.
Learning to Surf: Surf Lessons
Learning to surf is hard, so here’s why you should you get surf lessons.
Oregon Adventure: Babes on Bikes
Cheryl, Sarka and Hana go on a surf/skate/snow adventure.
Coldwater Surfing in the Snow
Asst Ed Corinne Evans loves the snow and couldn’t wait for this weekend!
“You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby”
Look at what’s taken place in the years since we launched SurfGirl.
SurfGirl Meets Jina Kim
This South Korean longboarder hopes to inspire other women to surf.
Women and The Waves Filmmaking
To coincide with the Oscars, Heather Hudson discusses surf filmmaking
Maria’s Canary Island Escape
Maria Petersson swops chilly Sweden for warmer waters. Watch her vid here.
SurfGirl’s Five To Follow
We share five of our favourite female surfers to follow on Instagram.
Tahlija Redgard Mentawai Barrels
Epic footage of Tahlija charging perfect barrels in the Mentawais.