We love catching up with passionate female surfers from across the globe and this week we got to chat to Lolita aka Surf Madame.
If running a surf and lifestyle blog wasn’t enough work, Lolita also has her own digital marketing and social media agency, living a freelancer lifestyle to fit her work around the waves.

“For a few years now we have been observing a boom in women’s surfing, simple trend or the result of years of fight from women’s surfing pioneers, women’s place in this industry has never been so important, and that’s for good!” Lolita Brisson, Surf Madame
Lolita, how do you spend your downtime when you’re not surfing?
Mostly working. I’m a freelancer so I work as much as I can when the waves are bad so I can go surfing when it’s pumping! Otherwise, I go hiking or skiing in the mountains, I go to the gym or I do yoga. I also like to do nothing sometimes, just relax with a good book and a cup of tea.
What’s your schedule looking like this year?
I plan to enjoy the mountains a little more before spring kicks out, then I’ll enjoy summer in Biarritz, surfing as much as I can! I’ll probably travel too.
in autumn, I really want to go to New York, or to Sweden, or Ireland, or Australia, and of course, I want to go back to Bali! There are so many places I want to go, I haven’t made up my mind yet.
What’s the best thing that’s happened so far this year?
We had a very tough winter in Biarritz this winter, rain every day, no surf, no sun. I think for now my best moment of the year was when my friends and I escaped to the Spanish mountains for a few days. The ski resort was empty and we had amazing weather and amazing snow, I really enjoyed it! But the most epic moment was a few months ago when Biarritz was completely covered in snow. It is very rare to have snow here and it was magical, the whole town stopped and everybody was on the streets. It was so beautiful, it felt like we travelled in another country just for the day.

What’s your daily routine like?
I wouldn’t say I have a routine, every day is different, but there are some things I do on a regular basis. I usually start my day with a bowl of yoghurt with muesli and a coffee, checking Instagram and emails. Then I go to the gym or running. I usually go 3 or 4 times a week, mostly early in the morning before work, and when the waves are good I go surfing! I love getting up early and making the most of the early hours of the day. The rest of the day is usually work, food, more surf when the waves are good, and as much outside time as I can, whether it is a coffee on the beach, a run, a bike ride, or just walking home.
Follow @surfmadame on Instagram
Photos @surfmadame and @saltygrizzly