How Pilates is Good For Surfing
Pilates is a slow and considered way of exercising that teaches you to connect deeply with your body, just like you do when you connect with the ocean to surf. This connection with your body improves your physical performance in surfing – and in daily life. Here’s how:

The Surfing Long Game
Surfing is rewarding because of the time you put into it and that takes patience.

Spring Swells, Fresh Energy
How to get back into surfing after a break, here’s our tips for making the transition much easier now that spring is here.

The Magic of Winter Surfing
Surfing isn’t all about the summer, there’s magic in surfing during the winter months too despite the cold. Read this short story by Hannah Bevan.

Should Beginners Be Pushed into Waves?
What’s the benefits of pushing learners into waves? Should they learn the hard way and leave more waves for the rest of us?

Laura Crane: The Other Side of Fear
Want to know what it’s like to ride 60ft waves? We ask British big wave surfer Laura Crane.

Laura Surfs Her Biggest Wave Ever
From surfing the biggest wave of her life to dunking herself in a freezing pool, it’s all in the day of the life of the big wave surfer from North Devon, Laura Crane.

Diversity in Surfing Survey
Get involved and fill out this survey to encourage a greater understanding of how surfing is viewed.

You Don’t Belong in the Surf
The line-up is becoming a more inclusive space for female surfers, but there’s still some way to go.

Keeping the Stoke: Surfing Over 40
For older surfers, it’s important to embrace the challenges of surfing as we get age.