We ask Maud Le Car how she keeps in shape for surfing

Maud can you tell us how you keep in shape for surfing?
I love to feel fit and prepare my body to be stronger because I really can feel that it improves my surfing. I like to keep my body moving by adding to my session training running, cycling or swimming. I am training with my coach Charlie Ducamp some circuit training to develop my speed, explosiveness and power.
How many times do you work out a week?
I work out with my coach 4 times a week and 2 cardio training by my own (run or bike).

What’s your typical exercise routine?
I like to mix in my routine between fitness exercise and yoga posture by working on my balance and core.
How important is healthy eating to your diet?
For me eating healthy is one of the most important things to do along with training and sleeping, if you want to be on top of your performance and keep your body 100 % full of energy. I’ve been a healthy food lover for five years now and I swear I don’t miss junk food at all. Especially when I see the positive effect on my body and healthy food is so yummy!

What’s your typical daily diet consist of?
My diet is based mainly of fruits and vegetables. I don’t eat or drink anything that’s milk based because I am lactose intolerant, so no dairy and no gluten or meat.
Maud’s typical daily diet
Eggs on gluten free toast with avocado and spinach and fresh juice or smoothie.
Wok of rice with fresh vegetables, chia pudding with coconut milk and a coffee.
If I’m starving in the afternoon
A smoothie or fruits with nuts
Fish (I love sushi so I will go for raw salmon or tuna) with vegetables and rice.

So how do you resist yummy French food, like croissants, camembert and baguette?
I think as a kid I had eaten way too much of all this. It’s not healthy food so now I can look at this food without craving and frustration because I don’t want anymore this “boring” food. Especially when you don’t eat gluten and lactose.
Finally, what are your plans this summer?
I have a lot of WQS contests in the summer and will spend June in Mexico and Salvador then beginning of July in South Africa, end of July in California and August in Costa Rica then finally will hit Europe again to enjoy a bit of the summer in France ☺
Follow Maud on instagram: maudlecar
Maud is wearing this summer’s Volcom’s SS17 Collection visit: http://www.volcom.com/