Soul Surfer
Lisa Marques is an illustrator based in Peniche, on the west coast of Portugal. As we have some pieces from her new collection with Dakine we thought it was a good idea to find out more about the soul surfer from Portugal.

Lisa, where are you from and what’s it like there?
I’m a Portuguese girl, born in France and living by the ocean in Peniche. I chose to study and work with the salty breeze and the waves crashing in a walking distance, at this small fishing town. I felt I couldn’t live far from the sea, that was my deepest wish.
What or who inspires your art?
Mainly people who are creating great things, living and expressing their true selves through art, sports, writing… whatever it is. People who believe and trust in their intimate voice, people who bring messages and refections into my life. The connection with nature in solitude also allows me to listen the silence and find my way and the peace I need to create. My hand is only a vehicle to materialise my deep feelings, I just need to keep it free without the mind intervention.

What motto do you live by?
I believe that all the experiences are lessons. Each lesson allows us to grow up and evolve.
We just need to hoist our sails to blow in the winds, and be grateful for the new lands to explore after facing the big storms in the gusty ocean. It was given to us by a reason, and to allow us to give a step forward into our journey. I believe we are spiritual beings living an human experience. Just take your freedom and let you feel it.
How does surfing and the ocean inspire you?
I start surfing when I was 15 years old. I saw someone surfing on TV, and I felt that I wanted to do the same. One year of saving up later, I bought my first surfboard, and start surfing with some old surfers, who taught me through the years, they became my Masters. I never had a ‘traditional’ surf lesson. This way I took longer to learn how to surf, and I’m still learning and improving. This is also my way of living – learning by observation, looking to the surf values about respect, caring and sharing, environmental awareness, and a profound connection to the Mother Nature. This is the “old school” lifestyle of surfing that got lost by the industrialisation of surfing. The challenge of facing the waves and the powerful ocean teaches me with humility how to recognise the edges of my limits and abilities, making me evolve as human being. In these moments of connection I feel more inspired to draw.

Dakine Lizzy Hip Pack £19.00
Dakine Lizzy Soho Wallet £11.00
Dakine Lizzy Garden 20L Backpack £40.00
Dakine Lizzy Trucker Hat £22.00
Dakine Lizzy Paige 10L Bag £15.00
All worth over £100
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