SurfGirl chats to Claudia Lederer photographer and illustrator Marynn from Biarritz in France, about the story of the latest SurfGirl magazine cover.

Claudia, describe how does it feel seeing your photo on the cover?
I was driving when I read the two first lines of your notification and I almost hit into the car in front of me! It’s the first time one of my photos makes the cover of a magazine, so I was filled with pure happiness. The exact feeling was “wohooooooooo”. The thing is that I have never been taught photography, never been to art school or whatsoever. Now working as a freelance and being an autodidact, I have no one telling me if what we do is good or not. I guess I’m just doing things with instinct and how I believe they should be done. Seing one of your images on a cover, is something that kind of confirms that you are going in the right direction, so it’s just a powerful drive to keep going.
When was this photo taken?
During summer on the French west coast, “Les Landes”. At that time of the year, July and August, each inch of the accessible beach is taken over with tourists. So that day we’ve been driving further and walked on the dunes for some time, in order to find a place, considered by some people as a “secret spot” (which term I don’t really like, haha). It was a good move indeed, because there was hardly anybody on this part of the coast, it’s quite difficult to access. We managed to catch a few waves, the kind of not-too-serious session with all your girlfriends, where you are actually having the most fun, followed by a long nap in the sun.

How do you know each other?
I met Marynn through mutual friends, only recently, but she is someone I really really appreciate, she is always full of energy and life. She is a talented illustrator who has an unique universe and a real drawing skill, and style. I can hardly draw anything so I really admire her talent.
Where do you surf usually?
Off season, mainly in Biarritz, but as it gets crowded that’s when we try to move away from the main spots. We both travel during winter. Right now I have not seen Marynn for months, who knows where she is? California, Mexico or somewhere??
Anything you would like to say to our readers?
Well, your cover “Find your own paradise” caught my attention. And I think life is something you build up in each and every moment of your life. For me, paradise should be everyday. If you can, don’t wait or plan to live your ideal life someday… or in a few years. Do it now. Get rid of everything that you don’t like… Perfection, of course, is hard to reach, but just build your life around what you love, and who you love. Be creative, and hold on to what you want, nothing will stop you.

Marynn, you’re on the cover of SurfGirl!
It’s a great surprise! That’s brings me some good vibes for today.
Describe the day and the surf.
It was last summer, one morning we packed lunch and everything for spending a beach day and decided to drove north to escape the touristy crowded of Biarritz and enjoy a sunny day.
Did anything fun happen that day?
With these girls, every two minutes someone cracks up over a joke. We’re a solid group of girls , these women are my best friends, my base.
Where do you surf?
It depends of the forecast and the desire of each of us deciding between the shortboard and the log.
Anything you would like to say to our readers?
Surf because it makes you feel good and not to make your instagram profile trendy.

Instagram @marynn_marynn

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