Relationships come in many guises these day with friends, partners, family, colleagues all making up our lives.

Now we know we don’t need to be told that for one day of the year we must show our nearest and dearest how much we love them, because ultimately we should tell them all time, but life can get in the way, with us all getting caught up in our fast paced lives, forgetting to show the people we love how much they mean to us. How about for this year we shake things up. Not everyone has a partner on Valentines Day so let’s make it about spreading the love, whether it’s your girlfriend, boyfriend, parent, or just a random act of kindness, make it your priority to share love!

So don’t feel down because you don’t have a partner to send a card or gift to, think about the people you love in your life and show them that you’re thinking of them. Cheer up a forgotten relative with a surprise gift, or it doesn’t even need to be a gift. When was the last time you sent a letter? Ditch the text for a phone call or letter it means so much more. Write a poem, share your favourite memory or just a little note to say you love them. Sometimes the most simple act of kindness goes along way.

It doesn’t just have to be on Valentines Day but obviously this day has become a manifest of love and it seems only appropriate to spread happiness and love on a day that is celebrated by so many and with Random Acts of Kindness week kicking off on the 11th February be sure to head over to it for inspiration on how you can spread the love this month.
Check out: @rakfoundation
Find some inspirational kindness videos on you tube, CLICK HERE.