It’s time to ditch those tired, bland sandwiches and time to tuck into some delicious healthy salads that are packed with vitamins and minerals.

Salads are great any time of the year and they can be prepared in advance and packed up easy for a great post surf lunch or easily taken to work, you can pack them full of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and protein packed goodness. The options are endless for salads but we thought we would keep it nice and simple of our healthy lunch option, here is a a delicious Aubergine and Pepper salad from Squirrel Sisters . This salad can be enjoyed hot or cold, which every you prefer and why not make it is bulk and then add some to your lunches for the rest of the week? 

Over the winter months it’s especially important to keep your vitamin and mineral levels up, to help your body fight colds and viruses that might in the air. Aubergines are a great sources of vitamins B1 and B6 and are also rich in potassium and with peppers rich packed full of vitamin C this salad is not only going to taste delicious but it’s also going to give your body a much needed vitamin boost. Both aubergine and peppers are easily accessible and we would always advice going for the organic option where ever possible, there’s really no excuse for not getting your vitamins and minerals!

  • 1 x Aubergine (chopped into chunks)
  • 2 x Large peppers (I used orange and yellow sweet peppers- chopped into chunks)
  • Large handful of baby kale
  • 1 x Dollop of houmous (You can find some houmous recipes on our blog if you want to make your own or there are lots of great shop options)
  • Drizzle of sundried tomato paste (you can buy this pre made or make it if you have the time- to make it literally blend up some sundried tomatoes- the fresher ones that have been in oil)
  • Drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
  • Generous pinch of himalayan salt and pepper.

1) Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees C

2) On a large baking tray pour on the chopped aubergine and peppers and drizzle over some olive oil and a generous pinch of Himalayan salt and pepper. Pop in the oven and cook for 20-30 mins (until soft and slightly coloured- not burnt) mixing around occasionally.

For more healthy choices, click here.

For more nutritional information get the Surf Girl Guide to Surf Fitness