From March 16th to March 24th, 2022, ROXY held the second edition of Make Waves Move Mountains Camp in Crans Montana, Switzerland. It was the first time to bring all Europeans athletes from all our sports between pros and juniors, for a simple program: performance, progression, passion. The best way to show the ROXY lifestyle to the Junior surfers, snowboarders & skiers, and prove once again that ROXY has the best women and the best junior athletes in Europe.

Hosted by Zoe Grospiron, juniors got to train everyday all together, push each other in a competitive yet friendly atmosphere, navigating between performance, mental training and how to organize their life between contests, training and school. Media training, product testing, ROXY shootings, and all these little things that make a difference on the top level in sport.
An 8 minutes documentary has been shot and edited by Absinthe Film Europe, and Ahriel Povich as photographer.

For the past 30 years, ROXY has been entirely dedicated to supporting women on waves, on slopes and in their daily lives. Over the years, ROXY and female riders have had to face the reality of clichés and stereotypical views. But who said these opinions needed to be a weight to bear? It’s all about getting the right attitude and empowering women in the best way possible: mutual aid and direct experience from confirmed athletes. This is why we think that fun and transmission between pro to groms and juniors is essential. And this is why the ROXY MAKE WAVES CAMP have been created and will be perpetuated. See you soon!

Tess Ledeux, France – Ski: @tessledeux
Kelly Sildaru, Estonia – Ski: @kellysildaru
Zoé Grospiron, France – Surf: @grospiron_zoe
Chloé Calmon, Brazil – Surf: @chloecalmon
Noémie Equy, France – Snowboard: @noemie_equy
Isabelle Loetscher, Switzerland – Snowboard: @isa.loetscher
Hina Conradi, France – Surf: @hina_conradi
Annette Gonzalez, Spain – Surf: @annettegonzalezetxabarri
Zoe Jaeckin, France – Surf:@jaeckin_zoe
Lilya Ambert, France – Surf: @lilya_ambert40
Aono Pordie, France – Snowboard: @miss_aono