The new issue is our Positivity Issue. With so much going on in the world right now, we spread the positive vibes for better times ahead.
We take a peek into surfers’ backyards, and find out how they are reconnecting with their local areas and communities. We talk to some entrepreneurial women who have gone it alone in the surf industry and forged their own paths. So, be inspired. If the usual career options aren’t available to you right now, see this time as an opportunity; a time to stop, rethink and reset your own path. We also take a look at ways to say healthy and balanced during these times with tips on positive mental healthy, immune busting and fitness.
Most of all, we still believe in the wonder of a beautiful surf session, the discovery of a rarely surfed wave, and the joy of sharing waves with friends. Whatever is going on in the world, there’s still magic in the ocean, so let’s embrace it.