Words by Corinne Evans

Starting a new year can feel both exciting and daunting. What will the year have in store? Where will you go? Who will you meet? So many questions run through our minds as the new year begins but what we should be doing is visualising the year that we want, stop worrying about the things we can’t control and focus on the things we can.

Making plans for the new year ahead can sometimes feel a tad optimistic but it’s good to take time out to think about what you want from life; in and out of work. Make sure you start 2017 with an open mind and be ready to set yourself some new goals for the year.

Creating a visual plan for your year can be the best way to keep those hopes, dreams and ideas fresh all year long. Be it in a journal or a bigger project such as a moodboard, which ever way you decide to plan out 2017 make sure it’s right for you. No matter how big of small your dreams and goals are jot them down so if you’re feeling a little lost a few months later you can remind yourself why you’re working so hard or where you want to be.

Dream about the adventures that you want to go on, the people you want to meet or even the job you have always desired and then make those dreams a reality. Work out how to achieve your dreams, even if it means getting another job and saving up, or selling a load of stuff you don’t need, or going on a course to get the job you want. Make it happen.

Plan new adventures, new projects, experiences and push yourself to do things that may scare you a little. Go outside your comfort zone, as the saying goes, that’s where life begins!

Explore the world around you, new beaches, towns and explore different hobbies. Join a new class, a surf club or explore a new skill.

Staying positive and having the mind set that there’s always something wonderful about to happen will keep those positive vibes flowing all year.

Try making a visual mood board. Go on to Pinterest for ideas.

Or get our Surf Girl’s Journal, a creative, inspiring journal for 2017 and plan your year ahead.