We’ve heard you’ve had a change of sponsor to Animal, how did that come about and how’s the new sponsorship going?
Yes I was approached by Animal to become a new ambassador. They are a super cool team and have been so welcoming. I love Animal’s new focus on being more eco-friendly – the new collection is made from responsibly sourced materials. I can’t wait to continue working with them and compete in the Animal Open at Boardmasters this week!
What’s it like living and surfing on the Gower?
Living on the Gower is such a beautiful place to be and I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to grow up in such a lovely community. I have made many lifelong friends in the Gower and met some really inspiring people that help me on this journey of becoming a top female surfer in the UK. The surf on the Gower is great and there’s a lot of variety of breaks that you can travel to. Where I live I’m super close to all the local reefs which I surf regularly there’s tons of rights and lefts as well as the classical Langland reef where about half the worlds population of surfers is based on a daily basis!!

How much are you looking forward to Boardmasters this year?
Who are the surfers to look out in the women’s comp – apart from yourself of course!
This year I will be competing in the Animal Open against a lot of my friends who I regularly compete with in competitions in Europe and the UK . All the girls rip so I’m super excited to surf against them!
What are you plans for the rest of the year?
To keep pushing my surfing and travelling, and to compete in WSL QS/PROJUNIOR events!.
Sum up how you’re feeling right now in five words.
Excited, happy, determined, calm, buzzing!

Follow @alysloxleybarton and @animaluk