Recycling Revolution – down with the paper cup

The ‘Latte Levy’ conversation has been a hot topic this January, whereby a 25p increase will be introduced on disposal coffee cups to help reduce waste.

The UK throws away 2.5 billion disposable coffee cups every year – that’s enough to circle the planet five and a half times. Almost none are recycled and half a million a day are littered. Coffee cup producers and distributors have not taken action to rectify this and government has sat on its hands. The UK’s coffee shop market is expanding rapidly, so we need to kick start a revolution in recycling.

Mary Creagh

MP, As reported by Roger Harrabin for the BBC

Fantastic that this is a conversation that is now being had and action is being taken but Londoners have criticised the proposed ‘latte levy’, arguing that it unfairly targets shoppers and does not tackle the root of the problem. We agree that although the 25p increase is a good start, potentially will people just pay the extra 25p rather than source a eco-friendly alternative, i.e. a reusable cup?

Disposable coffee cups are technically recyclable, but most are not because the UK has just three facilities that can split the paper and plastic components for recycling. Therefore the MP’s calling for the ‘latte levy’ also say throwaway cups should be prohibited altogether by 2023 if they are not all being recycled. Perhaps this is the action that needs to be taken – cutting the cups off at the source.

It’s time we all started to make these small changes to help make a global impact. Join the resistance against plastic pollution and get a ‘Good Vibes’ Keep Cup for £10.95 here.

Travelling with your girlfriends

Now don’t get us wrong, we love to travel with our families, boyfriends, husbands etc. But to kick off 2018 everyone we speak to seems to be booking in a girls surf trip with friends and we love that!

Travelling with a girlfriend gives the opportunity to spend solid one-on-one time together, disconnect from social media and put the phone to one side to create lasting memories. Plus surfing is always more enjoyable when you are with a buddy of the same level, someone going through the same surfing ups and downs, to encourage you on, chat to between sets and offer a post surf high five which is always good for moral!

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If you are still in need of a New Year resolution, perhaps scheduling in some time with you right-hand-girl could be it? Whether a learner, intermediate, expert, it’s good to bond over surfing, travelling, outdoor activities and adventures.

Friends that surf together, stay together so to celebrate, here is a fun video of Malia Manuel and Coco Ho having one seriously good time in Australia!

Unusual Yoga Partners

Apparently doing yoga in your room is now so last year. The Aussies and US are reportedly big into animal yoga instead and the trend is catching on further afield. Dog, goat, horse, cat yoga … even bunny yoga.

The intention/benefits of animal yoga classes also include:

  • To increase awareness about animal adoptions and shelters and to raise money for charity. The yoga classes also give the animals the chance to interact with humans rather than be locked away
  • Motivation to get off the couch and over to the yoga class – I mean why wouldn’t you when there’s a little goat waiting for you!
  • Sometimes when heading to a new class, you can feel quite intimidated and isolated but the joy of a fury friend can reduce these feelings
  • Creating an authentic connection. In an era of media distractions it’s important to re-connect with nature and experience something real and grounding
  • Being around animals is uplifting and it’s fun – it’s all about smiling and loving that moment
  • Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention note that surrounding yourself with animals can lower rates of depression, high blood pressure and loneliness
  • Goat Yoga ( in Oregon report that it’s all about disconnecting with day to say stress, sickness or depressing and focusing on positive and happy vibes. We’re sold and yoga with animals is definitely one we would like to put to the test!