Last month, we curated a short list from an incredible array of photographic images submitted for our Waves of Vision SurfGirl Photo Competition. With the expertise of our talented judges Tracy Naughton (@letmesea) and Bryanna Bradley (@bryannabradleyphotography), we selected the finalists which appeared in the latest magazine and we’re now stoked to share these online.
Here is the winner and shortlisted entries for the Waves of Vision SurfGirl Photo Competition 2024. Congrats to everyone!

Winning entry by Banna Bazzarie, Oceanside, California.
Banna, congratulations, how stoked are you to win the competition?
What an incredible surprise! I seriously was not expecting that. It’s an honour to be recognized alongside the other incredibly talented lady photographers. I’ve dedicated most of my work to shooting women in the water as a source of empowerment and inspiration for our community.To be chosen as the winner of this competition is a beautiful full circle. Big thank you to everyone involved.

The incredible woman in this photo is surfer and skater Eliette Singleton with her sweet baby boy.

This photo was taken at the San Onofre Bluffs on September 16th, 2023 at a Banat el Waves meetup. The incredible woman in this photo is surfer and skater Eliette Singleton with her sweet baby boy. This shot was beyond a creative process. It was natural and in the moment. I saw some beautiful and precious moments unfold before us and knew I had to capture it. The women at the meet up were all in awe of this badass beauty that was in front of us, as she prepared to hike up the trail with both her board and the baby.
How did you get into photography?
I have been indulging in the art of photography from a very young age. For as long as I can remember, I always wanted to be the one behind the camera, not the subject. From film to camcorders to digital cameras, to being gifted my first DSLR from my uncle in college, shooting photos is my favorite thing to do besides surfing. Growing up, my family took a lot of trips to the beach but despite this, surfing was something I was never exposed to until I was a senior in college. My Palestinian friend Nour took me out at Wrightsville Beach for my first surf experience. Ever since then I was hooked. That one session changed everything. Unfortunately, a couple of months after that experience, I was forced into a two-year long hiatus from pursuing surfing due to a hit-and-run accident. It left me with nothing but a long road of rehabilitation. Six months after the accident I packed up and moved to California (still on crutches). It was my fresh slate. I continued my rehabilitation out here, fully committed to surfing, and never looked back. Four years into surfing, I took a much desired step to combine two of my favorite passions; photography and surfing. It opened up a beautiful dimension for me and I am so grateful for it.

Giulia Panzetti, from São Paulo, Brazil.
I shot with a Canon RP, 24-105mm lens and a Pedra do Mar Waterhousing. The chosen picture was created during one of the first sessions that I photographed Ayllar Cinti a professional longboarder based in Rio de Janeiro, and she is pure joy. She has become one of my closest friends and is a big inspiration.
How did you get into photography?
I’ve been taking pictures for as long as I can remember, I got my first camera when I was around 10 years old, and since then I’ve never stopped photographing. However, it’s been about two years since I’ve left the big city kind of life and moved to a small beach down on the north coast, that was when I got in touch with surfing. Then, I had the greatest opportunity to participate in a Surf Photography Workshop by one of my biggest inspirations, Ana Catarina Teles, it was when I learnt about the art of photographing in the ocean, so I found my greatest passion and haven’t stopped ever since.

Maui Pando, based on Cocos Keeling Islands, W.A.
The photo is of Amba, shot in the Cocos Keeling Islands, taken with Canon R5 with a 70-200 mm lens inside an Aquatech Image Solutions housing. This photo reflects the human spirit’s search for equilibrium. In the crescendo of the cyclone’s swell, the subject stands as a beacon of serenity, an embodiment of the harmony we all seek.
How did you get into photography?
I left home nine years ago with a goal and passion for building my portfolio around the world. I traveled quite a lot photographing remote communities and people with a different way of living. I can say my Maui.PH was born out of a love affair with the sea and deep fascination for the stories that unfold where the surf meets the shore, the underwater world and the urge to communicate the connection between humans and the ocean. For me, surf photography is about showcasing the connection, the unspoken conversation between rider and wave, where the ocean becomes our playground, and every surfer is a storyteller. Beyond the action shots, I’m all about freezing the story in-between moments—the camaraderie, the shared triumphs, and the soulful connection with the sea. It’s about showing the world that surfing is more than a sport; it’s a lifestyle, a culture, and a passion that runs as deep as the ocean.

Apolline Diane Collette Cornille Asseman, based in Australia.
I’m Apo, also known as Apo Di Coco on social media, which is short for my longer name: Apolline Diane Collette Cornille Asseman. Originally from France, I’ve been living in Australia for eight years. For this photo I used my Nikon D850 with a 24-70mm Nikon lens (F/2.8). I gathered my surfing girlfriends for a weekend camping trip at a remote beach in the north of Sydney. Waking up at dawn, I captured this photo in the soft golden hour light before we hit the waves together. It was a beautiful moment, freezing this chapter of my life shared with these fantastic women.
I chose this location for its clean background and vast, uninterrupted desert beach. My photography style leans towards graphic and minimalist compositions, aiming to capture the beauty of clean lines and occasionally disrupted patterns.

Photography is a family affair for me! Both my grandfather and my father introduced me to it when I was young.

Photography is a family affair for me. Both my grandfather and my father introduced me to it when I was young. They offered me my first DSLR camera in 2011, and since then, photography has become a true passion. Surfing came later into my life. As I moved to Sydney in 2016, I discovered the therapeutic dimension of a strong connection with nature. Living by the ocean truly enhanced my physical and mental well-being. I decided to give surfing a try to deepen this connection and overcome my fear of water. Not only did surfing help me in that regard, but it also introduced me to many beautiful like-minded souls.

Ashley Milteer based in the Outer Banks of North Carolina.
The photo was taken on an early January morning in Hawaii at the 2022 Billabong Pipeline Pro. The South African, Matt McGillivray, is the surfer in the photo that’s about to get absolutely shacked out of his mind and spit out soon after. Later on, when I was going through the photos and reminiscing on the magic of the day, this one stood out to me. I remember this moment so clearly because, for one, this girl was in my way, and secondly, l was thinking about how anyone could be on their phone while McGillivray was absolutely ripping right in front of them!
How did you get into photography?
I can thank my Dad’s ancient silver razor flip phone. I took so many pictures on that thing that he literally could not receive any calls or texts. Christmas came around and his storage was so full that Santa decided to gift me a cheap digital camera like the ones your grandma uses to take pictures of you opening presents. I loved it so much. I uploaded my photos onto the family computer and messed around with free editing software. The PicsArt era hit different, if you know, you know. From there, it became my passion, eventually getting me into Governor’s School for the Arts, a creative alternative high school. I studied digital and film photography, ceramics, screen printing, collage and much more. I then applied to Virginia Commonwealth Universities School of Arts, which is one of the top art schools in the country. I guess my photography was pretty good because I got in! After studying there, I decided I could not make it all four years being landlocked, so I grabbed my camera, surfboard, and my hopes and dreams and took them straight back to the waves. The Outer Banks became my home and my business took off despite my parents’ concerns. Now I am a full-time photographer and surfer and I could not be more stoked!

Amanda Battle, Rockingham, Perth, W.A.

I picked up a camera again, and fell in love with ocean and underwater photography.

Miranda Harper, from Sunshine Coast, Queensland Australia.

Christina from Munich, Germany.
The photo was taken in 15th January 2024 in Imsouane, Morocco. In the picture you can see two girls jumping in at Imsouane while a traditional Moroccan fishing boat is arriving. I love the fact that more and more girls are exploring the coast of Morocco.
As I’m an Art Director it’s no secret that I’m editing my pics, for this picture I used Lightroom. I wanted to give the picture a nice vintage look by colour, grain, tone, shadows and brightness. I bought a second hand Nikon D5500 and I have to capture my images with my old equipment from the beach while trying to save my two year old toddler girl from killing herself! I know I’m blessed with a lot of things, so I still hope to have a water housing one day. 50 sounds like a great age to start something new!
How did you get into photography?
While I studied Communication Design, I leaned analogue photography at university. I spent a lot of time in the darkroom and fell in love with the technique and the philosophy behind a picture. It was 2002-2006, so a long time before digital photography like we have it now. From this time photography was always a huge part in my life. When I ended up randomly in Morocco, I started surfing when I was 33 (never too late!) always with my old camera by my side. Taking pictures is my healing process and while I was traveling alone, I had a lot of time with my camera at the beach. I’m always trying to capture the vibe, the mood or the beauty of the water or a special moment. Sometimes my friends are laughing about the photos: a shell, or seaspray – it’s random and boring for some, but for me a drop in the huge ocean can have more magic than the biggest spray in a contest.

I spent a lot of time in the darkroom and fell in love with the technique and the philosophy behind a picture.