Fierce soul, brave heart, strong mind.
In this latest issue of SurfGirl we feature a resilient women from all ages and walks of life; ordinary women doing extraordinary things and making good stuff happen. It’s our girl power issue!
From the cold, northern extremes, Aline Bock and Anne-Flore Maxer, surf and snowboard around Iceland and discover a nation that has played an important part in equal rights. To an irrepressible, young Canadian crew of surfers who brave the harsh conditions of Tofino and still manage to smile!
It’s not all snow and ice as we check out the best places to escape for some sunshine and warm waves this winter and gather some gorgeous gifts for ocean lovers this Christmas.
Together with our inspirational tips on staying fit and healthy over winter, top tips from top surfer cover girl Maud le Car, we’ve got everything covered this issue. Enjoy!