The International Surf Archive (TISA) received about 50 applications for the first edition of its annual photo grant Pictures for Parity which supports female photographers’ projects.

The professional photographers who composed the jury, Tim Mckenna (Tahiti), Kelly Cestari(Australia), Sarah Lee (Hawai), Maria Fernanda (Mexico), Todd Glaser (USA) and Joni Sternbach (USA) designated Amanda Prifti as the winner of the grant ($5,000) and Emy Dossett as the runner-up ($1,000). TISA will provide support to the photographers during the fulfillment of their project and will launch the next edition of the Pictures for Parity grant next Spring (2022).
Amanda Prifti – ‘Emergence’ project, Peru
The American photographer Amanda Prifti won the first prize with her project ‘Emergence’ which will tell the story of Peruvian female surfers in Huanchaco (Peru), who are challenging cultural and community norms by reclaiming their relationship with the ocean and pursuing a love for surfing.

Amanda Prifti will also document the work of Groundswell Community Project, a grassroots organisation focused on women’s health which provides free programs to local women, helping them reconnect with the sea, overcoming challenges, and accessing mental health support.

Emy Dossett – ‘Logger Latinas’ project, Mexico
The runner-up of the grant Emy Dossett grew up in Australia and now lives in Mexico where she developed the ‘Logger Latinas’ project. During the coming months Emy Dossett will share the daily life of Mexican professional female longboard surfers and show how being a ‘Logger Latina’ in a country that is home to beautiful stretches of coastline with an abundance of world-class surf breaks doesn’t always present an abundance of opportunities.
The runner-up of the grant Emy Dossett grew up in Australia and now lives in Mexico where she developed the ‘Logger Latinas’ project. During the coming months Emy Dossett will share the daily life of Mexican professional female longboard surfers and show how being a ‘Logger Latina’ in a country that is home to beautiful stretches of coastline with an abundance of world-class surf breaks doesn’t always present an abundance of opportunities.