Unexpected. Distant. Isolated. Unknown. 


It started in Huntington Beach, California, where Alana, Tyler and Nikki had just spent two weeks revelling in the chaos of the US Open of Surfing. The day after competition finished they had loose plans to head to the airport and take off on a Search trip. They didn’t know where they were going, they didn’t have any plans. They just knew they had to be at LAX, bags packed, ready to go.


So at 3:30am the morning after the final, alarms went off, boards and backpacks were hastily shoved onto a rental car roof, and drove to the airport. No expectations. No details. Just a stack of one-way tickets and 72 straight hours of travel looming ahead. Everything was unknown.


There are a million different ways to describe this trip, but perhaps the most fitting is to say that it was unlike anything else. 

