Sofa to Surf: What it’s all about

Take the opportunity to get mentally and physically ready to take on surfing this year, our Sofa to Surf articles are just what you need.
The health and fitness articles, features and guides do what it says on the tin and will help inspire you to get out of house, off the sofa, away from Netflix and into the surf. Doing a little prep now can really help later down the line – tips on what to eat to maximise your surfing performance, the gear and equipment to invest in, home workouts and our Surf & Yoga travel guide. 
It’s all about motivation to get going so look out for the Sofa to Surf stamp for guides, articles and advice to help you take on the waves and become the best surfer you can be this year.

Still struggling to get started with the new year? You’re not alone

It takes a bit of time to get back into the routine of things and start tackling all our overly ambitious new year’s resolutions. With remanence of the Christmas chocolates still littering the house and leftover mulled wine filling up our cupboards it can feel a little you’re never going to get started with the year but don’t worry, you will get there and we have got some simple tips to help you get 2018 well and truly going.

Start your day right

Wake up a little earlier than normal and give yourself more time to get started with your day. Set an alarm about 30 minutes earlier and use that time wisely. Whether it’s will 20 minutes of exercise, writing your intentions for the day, preparing a healthy lunch or mediating. Avoid rushing through your mornings, prepare your mind and body for the day ahead.

Eat Well

Forget the fad diets – don’t starve your body, nourish it. Try starting your day with a homemade smoothie or fruit topped porridge. Then a balanced healthy lunch rich in protein, vitamins and minerals. After all the indulging we have done in December it’s good to get the balance back. Cut out any processed food or anything packed with refined sugar and go natural.

Move your body

Exercise is good for so many reasons and if you’ve been spending more time on the sofa and less time moving your body then it’s time to make some changes. Pick something you love doing and plan to do it 2-3 times a week, join a gym, exercise with friends and find ways to workout at home. It will not only improve your physical fitness but it can also help improve your mental health.

Surf Happy

Don’t stress about not progressing quickly or not being able to surf all the time. Just make the most of it when you do get to surf. Get stoked on waves you do get to ride. Remove the pressure and stress and find surfing fun again. Try plan a weekend surf trip or book a surf camp holiday and if you’re serious about improving your surfing then grab yourself a copy of The Surf Girl Handbook for everything you need to know about improving your surfing.

Getting yourself back on track after winter is a long haul so get going now and you’ll reap the benefits come spring.

Check out the Surf Girl Guide to Surf Fitness to get you inspired with features on the best exercises, nutrition, yoga, swimming techniques and more for your best surf year yet….