Positivity can come in many forms and in this case, it’s in the form of rocks and pebbles with wonderful messages, quotes and beautiful artwork scrawled across them. Spreading unexpected positive vibes around the world and with local movements such a Newquay Rocks bringing joy to peoples lives, whilst out and about we thought we must share this wonderful expression of positivity and celebrate the communities getting on board to keep the good vibes following. Popular with all ages, in particular children, we think it’s such a lovely way to brighten up someone’s day and also educate children on the importance of talking about mental health. With it hopefully starting to shed the stigma that it’s had for generations, mental health is now something that many feel happy to talk about openly and community movements like Word Rocks and Newquay Rocks are all having positive effects on those involved.

We love hearing about random acts of kindness and sharing positive vibes in unusual ways, so when we came across the Word Rocks Projects we knew we had to find out more about how this awesome movement came about. So we asked founder Carol Arêas more about it.
Carol, tell us how it all started, what inspired you to start writing on rocks?
We are a Brazilian family. Seven years ago when we came to California, USA, I was feeling lonely and sad so one day I decided to walk by the ocean and there I saw the beautiful rocks. I decided to pick up a few to bring home and write positive words on them to inspire me through the day. When my son came from school (he was 10 years old at that time) and saw my idea he said: “mom, let’s paint a lot more and spread all over San Diego to make a lot of people happy”.
How did this idea to boost your own mood, grown into something that would boost the moods of people all over the world?
It means a lot to me that I am bringing a positive feeling to the person who finds the rock. It really fills my heart that I can bring hope or a smile through an anonymous gesture. When you open your heart to a greater love, everything makes sense, and life becomes more beautiful. Love shared is love multiplied.

What response have you had so far?
People who have found the rocks tell us, “I found the perfect word at the perfect moment.” This is the best response that we can have. After seven years we have #wordrocks all over the world. Also, we inspired hundreds of people to do the same. Together we are making the circle of kindness grow in the world!
Have you learnt anything along the way with your Word Rocks Project?
Our Word Rocks Project taught me something very important in these last seven years: The world is full—very full—of people in need of love. Or affection. In need of attention and comfort. And this has been a great and deep lesson in my life.

How can people get involved and is there a social media platform that people can engage with?
They can email me to get the labels [email protected] or follow our Instagram account Word Rocks Project to get inspired.
Do you have any advice for anyone who wants to do the same in their local area?
Yes! Share your heart with the world and the world will share their heart with you.
If you could have one goal or aim that you hope to achieve with the Word Rocks Project, what would it be?
I believe I already achieved just by bringing joy and kindness on a daily basis in so many parts of the world.