As of summer 2018, Rip Curl, the “Ultimate Surfing Company” and TitsUp, “the brand that dresses your breasts,” have joined forces with a capsule collection of co-branded swimsuits and t-shirts.
Marco Coiffard and Alicia Martinez are the two 21-year-old French entrepreneurs behind the TitsUp brand. It all began one day when Alicia went bra-less under her t-shirt. The range of reactions to what she had initially felt was a totally trivial act, led the two partners to sit down and seriously put their heads together.
I was shocked that in 2016 this was where we still were. The message is clear, not camouflaging still remains shameful. This gave us the idea of designing a t-shirt with two patches in the shape of a palm tree or else, on each breast and having fun with the freedom to wear your t-shirt however you want to. The response was so positive that we decided to develop a small range. One thing led to another and in a short space of time the collection expanded, along with the themes for the patches. We set up the website ourselves, the business development and the production.
TitsUp products are 100% eco-friendly and, right from the beginning, Marco and Alicia decided to donate part of their profit (€1 per t-shirt sold) to the association “Cancer du sein, parlons-en” (Breast cancer, let’s talk about it). “It was a cause that was already close to our hearts before all this, and it was an obvious choice for us. We hope to be able to do more as soon as we are able to.” they add.

What’s more, the ISA 2017 World Champion and professional European Champion surfer for the Rip Curl Team, Pauline Ado, will be the ambassador for this partnership.
I’m really happy to promote such a project with the TitsUp brand, driven by these two young entrepreneurs and Rip Curl. On top of that the products are super cute and fun. It’s important to encourage scrutiny among all women, whatever their age or lifestyle.
Starting this summer, find the t-shirts and swimsuits from this fantastic collaboration in Rip Curl stores across Europe.