Symbolically the start of a new year is a chance for rebirth. Whatever happened over last year, good or bad, be thankful for where it has brought you. Where you are is where you’re meant to be. A new year is a time for a fresh start, minds can reboot and rejuvenated. Let’s leave any negative moments and bad periods of time behind, a fresh 365 days are ahead waiting for memories to be made.
Avoid the phrase new year new you because you’re already awesome. How about a “new year a refreshed you”. Start 2018 rejuvenated, empowered and ready to take on whatever you wish to take on. Making the changes you want and detoxing all the negative energy out of your life. Forgetting the fad diets and focussing time on cutting out the bad vibes not carbs. 2018 is going to be our year of positivity, good energy and making memories that will make us smile.
Because life isn’t all perfect waves and sunshine smiles but equally it doesn’t always have to be wipeouts and stormy days. Here are some of the ways you can make positive changes in the new year.

Set Goals
Setting goals for the year and making them visual can give clarity on what you wish to achieve. Writing them down and placing in clear visible areas will act as a constant reminder of our dreams, aspirations and goals. Often you can bombard your minds with endless lists of life goals and targets to achieve but how about this year you just focus on a few big life changes. Whether they are in surfing, love, work life, travel; whatever you wish to do not overwhelming your mind with endless lists of unrealistic goals really think about what you want from our lives and make those your goals.
Make plans
Nothing to look forward to? Make plans! There is no point getting fed up with the lack of excitement in life, sometimes you have to make your own. Plan adventures, book in dinner dates or book a flight somewhere in the summer. Make those plans and get excited.
Find reasons to smile
If you really think about it you actually have a lot to be grateful for. From friends, family, hobbies, work or health; if you look around and look deeply within there will be plenty of things to make you all smile, it’s just acknowledging them and appreciate all that you have.

Positive mindset
Turning a new leaf and starting with a new clear mindset can feel a little difficult, especially is 2017 wasn’t a great year but the new year is a chance for a new beginning. It is also the beginning of anything you want. Download inspiring podcasts or start a journal and fill your mind with positive thoughts.
Wash away the past
Traditionally people like to start the new year with a dip in the water and symbolically jumping in the sea or local body of water – literally washes the slate clean. Try giving this a go, or if you’re not so keen on the idea next time you have a shower, as you stand under the water imagine all your worries and stresses washing away and down the plug hole.
Plan your new year ahead with the Surf Girl’s Journal