Whether you’re eager to stand on a board for the first time or keen to elevate your surfing these guys will take you to paradise for a surf experience that you won’t forget. You can choose between the exclusive charm of a luxury resort or the thrilling adventure of being out on a surf yacht in the tropical waters and navigating untouched surf spots.

The Maldives is a mosaic of over 1,000 islands across 20+ atolls, creating the ultimate surf playground. Famed breaks in the Malé atolls to secret spots further afield, Global Surf’s charters offer a blend of both long surf sessions balanced out with plenty of time to relax and enjoy the surroundings.

The Surf and Your Guides:

This tropical paradise, scattered across the Indian Ocean, opens up a range of surf spots suitable for all levels, gentle rollers for beginners to challenging barrels for advanced surfers. With the surf season stretching from March to October, surfers can enjoy consistent swells and the warm, clear waters that make the Maldives an ideal spot for both surfing and water based activities. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced surfer, the Maldives promises every surfer a slice of heaven.

Global Surf commits to your surf progress with daily analysis, professional photography, and evening video feedback sessions. All tailored to enhance your skills, ensuring each wave you catch is better than the last.

The Community:

The Global Surf Team pride themselves on community and building friendships that last longer than your trip. Together you will enjoy healthy and freshly prepared food to keep you well fuelled, you’ll share waves, relax with a yoga practice, rejuvenate in an ice bath, and hang out with peaceful serene views. At Global Surf, you become part of a community that loves surfing, values health, and enjoys discovering new places.

Onshore & Offshore Accommodation:

Your trip to the Maldives could be either on the sand or floating on the ocean surrounded by tropical waters. Global Surf’s live-aboard fleet hosts a luxury stay with each cabin designed to be a cosy retreat for relaxation and privacy complimented by spacious communal areas that encourage shared guest experiences. Either way comfort is their priority.

For those who prefer to have their feet firmly on the sand there’s private and luxurious surf resort options where you have access to the Maldives’ most coveted surf spots. Your accommodation is situated at the waters edge with panoramic views of the Indian ocean.

Beyond the waves, these resorts offer a myriad of leisure activities. Whether it’s snorkelling in the clear waters filled with marine life, participating in cultural tours to nearby islands, or simply lounging around for sunset, your time onshore promises as much adventure and relaxation as your time in the water.