Someone else’s rubbish is another one’s treasure. In our Surf Cafe Living book Jane and Myles Lamberth add the finishing touches to their new home by up-cycling bits and pieces they found on walks and in charity shops close to them. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, after all, and upcycling celebrates the unique and interesting perspectives there are on the world and our environment.
Is there anything in your house that you have given a new lease of life to? If so, we want to know about it!

Jane and Myles Lamberth have up-cycled these pieces of vintage tableware into plant pots for their succulents.
To win a copy of Surf Cafe Living, simply tell us what’s the best thing you’ve ever recycled or upcycled.
It could be anything from an old teapot made into a new plant-pot, to a piece of driftwood shelving, or some shell or sea glass jewellery. If you’ve got creative on pieces found out and about while walking on beaches, or, if you have transformed some odd bits of tat chucked out on the street, then even better. Tell us about it! Leave your answer in the box below and we will pick the winner on 19th March.

The beautiful Surf café Living Cookbook is up for grabs!
For up cycling ideas and lots of tasty, healthy recipes get a copy of Surf Cafe Living from