The second in our series of Changing Lives Through Surf. Here the focus is on the ocean to empower youth in Hawaii with Nā Kama Kai.
“Empowering children by connecting keiki to the kai and ʻāina to nurture a deeper sense of aloha and kuleana for the natural environment and themselves.“
Nā Kama Kai is a non-profit’s mission to empower youth through ocean-based education, with the goal of cultivating environmental stewardship and building future community leaders.
Founder pro surfer Duane DeSoto, understood the gift that had been given to him from the day he was born down at Mākaha beach and he wanted to recreate that for the communities of Oʻahu, he wanted to create a safe environment for children around Hawaiʻi and really the world to experience the ocean and to learn about it. “We believe that if we can connect all these keiki to the ocean not only will it save lives but it will also create a bond between the next generation and the ocean which in turn will ensure that the ocean will be taken care of.”
In this documentary while traveling to Brazil for their first international clinic, participants quickly realize the many ways the ocean connects us rather than divides us.
Film by Arte Girassol
Follw on instagram @nakamakai and find out more about the project at NaKamaKai.org