Here’s a statement from the ISA, plus we’ve added some links to organisations where you can help by donating.
In an extraordinary meeting on February 28th, the ISA Executive Committee decided to impose strict sporting exclusions on athletes and officials from Russia. These measures are the result of the ISA’s strong condemnation of the Russian government’s invasion of Ukraine and the terrible and unprovoked military assault on the Ukrainian people.
In line with the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) recommendations, the ISA’s sanctions mean no athletes and officials from Russia will be invited to participate or attend ISA events until further notice. This action follows an earlier confirmation that the ISA will not consider staging any ISA events in Russia for the foreseeable future.
The global surfing community is shocked and appalled by the awful act of aggression by Russia and Belarus’ role to facilitate their invasion of Ukraine. The ISA are unequivocal in our views on this crisis and we stand in full solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. This is a human tragedy that requires us all to take a strong stance and send a message that such violence will not tolerated nor forgotten.
The ISA’s decisions serve to ensure the safety of the public, athletes and officials, and protect the integrity of their competitions. The ISA remain in contact with the Ukrainian Surfing Federation to offer support to the Ukrainian surf community and hope peace is restored as quickly as possible.
If you wish to help the Ukrainians then donate to some of the organisations who are providing assistance. Cash is the fastest way to help people in dire need but be careful you dontate to a reputable organisation. Here’s are some of the organisations who have set up appeals;
Oxfam Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal