What is it about this time of year that makes us all want to give back?
Is it because we feel that we want to ensure that one good deed before the year is out, or maybe it’s because we are suddenly aware of all that we have and how lucky we are to be here. Whatever the reason, Christmas is one of the most popular times of year for people to donate to charities and give back to causes we know and love. Here at SurfGirl we are big fans of charity and have featured and worked alongside many charities and with Christmas very much upon us, we thought what better time to share the ways you to can give back this festive season and generally all the time!
Gift to charities
One of the easiest ways to give back is via a direct donation to the charity of your choice. Whether your make the payment via their Facebook page, website or even in a collection bucket. You money will directly go towards helping their cause. If you cannot free time to physically make a difference your financial donation will help do just that.
If you want to individually see your charitable donation make a difference then why not opt for sponsorship. Whether you decide to sponsor a person or animal you monthly contributions will go towards helping better their quality of life. This ultimately the gift that keeps on giving to all involved.
Volunteer your time
If a financial donation isn’t possible or you wish to personally help make a difference donating your time can also make big impact, especially over the festive period. Take a look at what is going on in your area and get involved. Whether it’s volunteering at your local charity shop, volunteering at a homeless shelter or care home. What ever you choose to do, you will personally see first hand how giving back can help better someones life, even if only for one day.
Clear out your old clothes, presents, food and other essentials. Sometimes the gift of a warm coat can be better than a handful of change. So before we get inundated with new clothes and gifts why not clear out and give those unwanted items to those who need them the most. Find your local food bank and make a donation.
Give the gift of giving to charity
Not sure what to buy the person who seems to have everything, then why not make a donation to charity on their behalf, because if you really think about it do we really need anymore ‘things’? The answer the that is probably no and with this in mind get creative with your gifts, send a gift to child in need, sponsor a donkey on their behalf or make a one off charitable donation. This gift will sure beat a pack of socks or that box of chocolates they really don’t need.
local charities you could support

Make a difference for homeless children living in Britain today. Shelter have made it easy for your to donate on their website to see that a family will receive the help they need this Christmas.
Help where it is needed. The Salvation Army see that people in need are responded to and supported. From homelessness, modern day slavery, reuniting families, elderly on their own, people caught in domestic abuse and more, this charity has a big heart to help. You can find out more about what they do online.

Help stop hunger across the UK. Thirteen million people live below the poverty line in the UK, with individuals going hungry every day for a range of reasons, from benefit delays to receiving an unexpected bill on a low income. Beans on toast for a Christmas dinner is not acceptable!
global charities you could support

Help a family in poverty to earn a better living with buying them a goat, or supply them with clean water, whichever gift you choose from Oxfam your gift will make a huge difference for families across the globe. Find out what else you can do with Oxfam buy clicking the link below.
Human trafficking is the illegal trade of human beings and it is very common across the globe!
It’s the recruitment, control, and use of people for their bodies and for their labor. Through force, fraud, and coercion, people everywhere are being bought and sold against their will–right now in the 21st century.
Slavery is more stoppable than ever, and that’s why A21 are here, rallying around the world and doing the work together. You can find out more about them on the link.