Ellie Turner has ended up runner up at last weekend’s European Pro Junior, securing her spot in the WSL Pro Junior International Final in Australia next January.
Ellie finished second to Frances Neis Lartigue, but earned enough points to compete with the world’s best in 2018. Ellie finally caught one of the best looking waves of the final scoring an 8.00, and only needed an average score to take the lead again and win the event but i failed to materialise.
It’s been a busy year for Ellie competing at the World Championships in Biarritz, attending the International Rip Curl Grom Search Finals in Brazil. Not counting all her victories in the events she has entered this year back home. But no matter how busy she is, Ellie and her family always manage to squeeze in an extended spell in Indonesia each year.

We tend to do a fair bit of searching and moving around. Some small spells in Bali but mostly hunting out more quiet islands and spots. My favourite bit of this trip was going up to Simelue and staying a the Mahi Mahi camp. It’s a super friendly resort with buffalo’s walking along the beach and straight out front there’s an amazing peak.
I’ve been going to Indo for as long as I can remember really. Most winters we get there. It’s good to escape the cold of Europe for some time. We do it as a full family trip normally. I love going mostly because the waves are super fun and there’s always a number of perfect days each trip. It seems like there’s more power than at home in the UK and there’s a lot of good surfers and that all helps trying to improve.