World Qualifying Series surfer Pacha Light is a little ray of sunshine at just 17 years old she’s already making her mark on the surfing world. Being snapped up by Billabong, the Ecuadorian surfer dreams of early morning surfs, eating sushi and drinking banana smoothies, sounds like the perfect way to spend any day. Here’s more from the upcoming surfer.
Pacha, what’s your schedule looking like this year?
My schedule is looking very full – especially travelling! I’ll be doing as many of the World Qualifying Series surf competitions that I can, working on social media and environmental projects and doing some modelling shoots.
What fun things are you working on at the moment?
At the moment I’m in Ecuador – for the first time in 5 years. I’m meeting my family here, helping raise awareness about protecting the forests and empowering kids in surfing. I bought some boards and other bits and pieces over for prizes in a surf competition my friends are organising. It’s amazing to back and remembering so many things from my childhood!
What food are you loving?
Right at this moment – food directly harvested and made from the place we are staying here in the Ecuadorean Andes; the Kurikindi organic farm. Yoghurt, cheese, butter and milk from the cows, jam from the fruit trees, homemade bread and local shade has grown Arabica coffee.
Tell us about your dream weekend…
My dream weekend would be: an early morning surf at pumping Snapper with no one else out except my friends (hahaha what a dream!) After say, five hours in the water, to find a place under the trees to rest and hang – eating sushi and drinking banana smoothies. In the afternoon I’d go to visit our horse, play some music on the ukelele, then get ready for a fun night dancing with my friends. The best part about this dream weekend is that it has already come true – many times!!!

We are completely mesmerised by Josie Prendergast, her graceful approach to the waves captivate us. Elegantly dancing along the waves with her quiet demeanour, just makes us want to pick up a longboard and give it a go. The Billabong surfer and model from the Philippines spent her early years living the barefoot island life, to then develop her love of the waves in Byron Bay, Australia. It’s clear to see both locations have moulded her into the talented surfer that she is. We recently caught up with Josie to ask her four quick fire questions:
Josie, what’s the best thing to happen so far this year?
Being able to spend a lot of time in Siargao in the Philippines with family and friends and of course, travelling.
Next travel destination?
I really would love to go to Sri Lanka.
What inspires you?
My family, friends, the ocean. My surroundings really.
Where are you living right now?
I am currently living in Byron Bay, but spending more and more time in the Philippines.