Words: Rachel Lingham Photos: Surf Sistas
The best thing for surf fitness is surfing.
We all know this, but it isn’t always possible to get as much water time as we’d like. Whatever the reason, you can make sure that next time you get in at favourite break you are strong, confident and ready to make the most of your water time.
The benefits of yoga in relation to surfing are pretty well documented by now – I can absolutely vouch for how yoga helps me to keep surf fit when I can’t surf, but it isn’t always possible to squeeze in a long practice. So I use a short, high intensity yoga-based sequence to maintain fitness, strength and flexibility.
Paddle fitness and the explosive core strength needed for an effective pop up decline very quickly if you are out of the water. The sun-salutation based sequence below will train you and that pesky core so you can easily spring to your feet, and will build strength in your biceps, triceps and shoulders for a more effective paddle stroke.
Plus it’ll open up those hips and hamstrings for better turns, and keep the lower back in good shape too. All in ten minutes a day!

Chair Variation – Glutes and Hip Flexors With your left foot on the floor, place your right ankle just above the left knee. Slowly sit back with your hips to increase the stretch, taking your hands out in front of you. Hold for two – five breaths and repeat on the other side.

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