Words by Abbi Hughes
Here are some of our favourite things about surfing this time of year.
So summer is over, but don’t panic, the water is still a (sort of) barmy 15 degrees and we are all still loving surfing the waves in our summer suits. The water temperature usually runs about two months behind the air temp, so until the end of October we aren’t looking to dust off our warmer 4/3 or 4/neoprene suits from the back of the cupboard just yet.
Autumn also brings less crowded shorelines. With tourists and warm weather water lovers returning to their homes and getting ready to snuggle up for the long hibernation over winter, its time for us to enjoy the easy drive to the beach, the free’d up car parking spaces with a sea view and an abundance of waves, with a lack of folk to share them with. And it’s still light in the evenings so a post work surf is still possible for a few weeks yet.
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Autumn surfing, for me, is all about having fun and being stoked to get in with all your friends and family. When the water gets colder, more and more of us will start to drop out and hesitate about getting in the ever cooling ocean. Enjoy it whilst it lasts.