Psyched on Spring
There is often such a rush to get to the summer months that we over look spring but we loving taking some time to enjoy this overlooked season.
Everything looks so bright and vibrant after the long, dull winter and finally being able to get outside and explore the coastlines makes us feel like we are coming out of hibernation. The flowers are in bloom and there is especially something magical about fields of bluebells. Plus we are so ready to say goodbye to the winter wetsuit and ditch the gloves and boots!

Ocean Inspired Fashion
Subtle or statement, ring or jumper, we are loving a sea, wave and mermaid reference so we can take a little bit of the ocean with us wherever we go. Plus lots of products now have a recycled element to it, using recycled cotton, plastic, fishing nets and sea glass so you can represent your love for the ocean by donning it and helping to keep it happy.

These three and more at the Beach Boutique, click here.
Spicing up our lives!
Rumours have been circulating for a while that the Spice Girls might go on tour as part of their upcoming reunion and…. hold on to your union jack dress and buffalo trainers…. Mel B has recently confirmed that the tour is happening! Spice Girls… viva forever, we’ll be waiting!

See ya wet wipes
The UK banning wet wipes in a bid to crack down on throw away plastic items makes us very happy. Sure we have been a slave to the make up wipes before but we are happy to put them to one side in a bid to save our ecosystems. Wet wipes clog up the sewage pipes and make their way to the rivers and seas where the chemical and plastic mircofibres are released and ingested by marine life. There are plenty of alternative options out there and the ban of wet wipes should encourage further eco-friendly wipe solutions to take to the market.
Along with the banning of microbeads, Hawaii becoming the first US state to pass pass a bill banning chemical sun creams known to harm coral reefs, charging for plastic bags and the suggested ban of plastic straws and cotton buds, we are hopefully all moving together in one direction before it’s too late.
Channel the flannel! Be like Zombie Boy in this video and use a flannel to remove your makeup… no wipes here!