Want to see three inspirational women killing it at what they do best? Short documentary ‘3 Woman & the Sea’ follows surfer Lena Kemna, deep diver Mafalda Oliveira and big wave surfer Joana Andrade as they prepare themselves for their big rides and deep dives, dealing with anxiety and stress and discussing what nature means to them.

The documentary footage ranges from the depths of the ocean to one of the biggest waves in the world and asks the question “what is freedom?”. In a world and system where safety and money usually come first, does this make us happy? If we were free to choose without our ego, without limitations of fear, what would we do?
These three stories from three fascinating sea women seek to answer this and more.

Lena Kemna, Surfer
Originally from Bremen, Lena started to surf just 6 years ago. She moved to Portugal and has since dedicated her life to surfing bigger, and more powerful waves. Her progress is super inspiring!

Joana Andrade, Big Wave Surfer
Joana Andrade is the only Portuguese woman to surf the giant waves of Nazare. Besides preparing herself physically, she uses visualisation and breathing techniques to prepare her mind for the magic rides. “Breathe feel the fear and do it anyway“.

Mafalda Oliveira, Deep Diver
The Portuguese free-diving record holder with a mark of -65 meters, Mafalda is a soul-free-diver and a new role-model of a mom. At her Free-diving Centre in Portugal the aim is to “Get out of your comfort zone, because life starts there!“

Watch the trailer now for a glimpse of their journeys, the power or proper breathing, the magic of visualising what you love and be inspired to create your own world.
Stay tuned on www.tomas-guichet.com/3womenandthesea for more information on when this highly motivating film will be available to view at future events and online!