The North Devon World Surfing Reserve has teamed up with Saltrock to offer an amazing opportunity to win £150 worth of Saltrock vouchers, a chance to feature in 3 publications (Carve Surf Mag, Surf Girl Magazine & the official dedication World Surfing Reserve book) and be a part of a featured display at the British Surf Museum!
All you have to do is capture our World Surfing Reserve is in all its glory from this winter season.
To enter, simply take photos within the North Devon World Surfing Reserve and post on your Instagram, tagging @northdevonworldsurfingreserve and @saltrock_clothing and using the hashtag #ndwsrwinterwaves You will need to follow both accounts too!
You can submit as many photos you like using any photographic equipment. Anyone under the age of 18 must get permission from parents and don’t forget to get consent of anyone in your photos.
We’ll judge the best submissions under the following four categories
• best scenic or landscape shot
• best surfing manoeuvre
• best stoke (the spirit or atmosphere of the surfing reserve)
• best junior photo (under 18)
The closing date will be 28th February 2023 and a full list of terms and conditions can be found on our website here.
Judging the competition will be a team of five experts. Editor of Carve Surf Mag, Steve England. Editor of Surf Girl Mag, Louise Searle. Saltrock photographer, Simon Montgomery. Big Wave surfer and local, Andrew Cotton. North Devon World Surfing Reserve founding member Kevin “Cookie” Cook.
Good luck. We can’t wait to see your submissions