Ellie, where are you right now and what’s the surf and weather like?
At the moment I’m in Bali and the surf has been really fun. I’ve had some good sessions at Ulus and a good session at a little secret spot we surf, as usual it’s ridiculously hot!!
Is this where you spend your winter, what do you love about it?
I love indo because even on the worst days you can still have the most fun surfs ever and there’s so much variety surf wise. I have been coming here since I was 5 so it feels pretty comfortable.
Tell us what about your typical day in Indo?
I try and get up at 6am then check which direction the wind is blowing and then breakie. Quite often the surf is not the best first thing so over a slow start but then the weather settles and the waves can be good until dark so you can surf so much.
In between surfs – eat! There’s so much good food in into.

Which boards have you taken to Indo?
I just have a really nice quiver from Luke at Forth Surfboards which are all 5”8’s all with slightly different rockers and volumes. So far they feel really good!!
What are your plans for the next year?
It’s going to be a really busy year. I’m here in indo until at least the end of April and then Europe for contests.
Do you have a coach and what kind of things are you focussing on?
My dad has always been my coach and also my brother Liam they really try and get me to surf top to bottom and concentrate on proper turns. We also swim and and train in the pool.

Where would you like to see yourself in a couple of years time?
I have only one goal and that’s to get on the WSL Tour. So the Pro Junior for the next three years and as many was events as I can enter.
Which surfers do you admire?
My brother Liam he rips big or small. Steph Gilmore without a doubt has the best style of the women’s and julian Wilson in the men’s.
Are you missing the British winter?
I do really miss putting on a wet 5/4!!
What would you like to say to your mates back home?
Just that I miss them xx